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History of Greece and Rome

Thu Sep 20 2018 16:26:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Class Size:
Not Podcasted
Offered Semesters:
When to take it:
Dr. Claude Eilers
No Course Outline Available
Tutorial Size:
Course Outline


Great course, taught very well. Covers information from the Minoans all the way to to the beginning of the Byzantine empire. Tutorials are easy to participate in. No midterms, just a few writing assignments and one essay. The class preps you very well for the essay and the TAs are very willing to help. If you go to class, participate in tutorials, and do your readings, the exam will be easy. It was part multiple choice, part vocabulary definitions, and part writing on a topic of choice out of a few options. If you are interested in history and want to explore the major events and battles of antiquity, then you will enjoy this course.

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