McMaster Bachelor of Health Sciences Society
Music for Film and Television
Tue May 29 2018 15:45:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Class Size:
Not Podcasted
Offered Semesters:
When to take it:
Simon Woods
No Course Outline Available
No Tutorial
Overall, this course was quite interesting, especially for those who are keen on watching films. Theres two midterms which are weighed quite heavily and a final examination. Since the prof does not podcast the class, nor are the class slides ever posted, attendance is essential. I personally found that some of the details he tested on were rather trivial and not things I would have thought memorizing would be beneficial, however, anything he says in class is fair game according to him, and when I say anything I mean anything from a date of release to what kind of instrument was used in a certain scene. Thus, if you have minimal music knowledge and do not really enjoy films, this course is not bird.