McMaster Bachelor of Health Sciences Society
Introductory Psychology
Fri Jun 08 2018 04:31:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Class Size:
Not Podcasted
Offered Semesters:
When to take it:
Dr. Joe Kim
No Course Outline Available
Tutorial Size:
This was my favourite course in first year! Joe Kim is a fantastic lecturer and the content was very interesting. Tutorials were somewhat helpful but participation counts, so go to them. Lectures are not podcasted and there's always a question about lecture content on quizzes so try to go. Unfortunately, the majority of content is taught via modules, which can be annoying, but Joe's very enthusiastic and engaging. The weekly quizzes can also be annoying, but they are online so you can do them with friends (and check question banks...). There is a midterm (worth very little) and a final exam, but the latter was easier than the quizzes. This course is definitely 12able - it's very easy to get bonus marks - but you need to put in work and it is also very application based, so make sure you understand the content instead of just memorizing.